Drawers, in the sense of
underwear, are usually something that is associated with nineteenth century
women, but the term is much older dating back to the sixteenth century. In the
seventeenth century drawers are rarely associated with women, except for the
occasional example, for instance Pepys’ wife. When Pepys thought his wife was
having an affair he would check to see if she was wearing drawers, he wrote 4th
June 1663 “I did so watch to see my wife put on drawers, which poor soul she
did.” Elizabeth Pepys was the daughter of Alexandre de St. Michel, a French
protestant convert, and drawers for women were commoner in France. (Cunnington
& Cunnington, 1951)

The style of drawers referred to
in literature are usually the shorter form, and appear in Restoration comedies,
for example in Aphra Behn’s 1677 The Rover, Lucetta and Blunt have an
assignation in her bedroom. Lucetta demands “Are you not undrest yet?” and
Blunt replies, “As much as my Impatience will permit.” The stage direction is
then [Goes towards the Bed in his Shirt and Drawers]. Steele writing about the play in 1711
complains that Behn, “Makes a Country Squire strip to his Holland Drawers.” The
fabric for these drawers is usually linen, especially holland. When Pepys is
worried that he and his wife have no children, he is recommended to wear “cool
holland drawers” (26th July 1664) The amount of cloth needed for a
pair of drawers can be seen in the Seymour accounts, where in 1641 they “paid
for tenn elles of holland at vs iiiid the ell to make 6 paire drawers to my
Hon. Lord,” which would imply a metre and a half each. (Morgan, 1945)
The longer style, with or without
stirrups, are often worsted. In 1675 Richard Legh paid for “2 pair of large
worsted drawers with stirrups,” while in 1650 the Earl of Bath paid “for 2 pair
fine large worsted stirrups £1.” (Gray, 1996) These may be for
winter wear, James Master often purchased drawers, when he bought “a pair
woollen drawers, 4s 6d” it was in November. (Robertson, 1889) Another material used for drawers is leather,
in 1676 Samuel Jeakes spent 3s 6d on two pairs of oiled skinned drawers. (Tankard, 2020)
Drawers appear to be worn at all
levels of society. King Charles I purchased 23 pairs of holland drawers at a
time. (Strong, 1980) Poor law overseers could also provide
drawers, in 1680 Arundel the ten-year-old orphan Luke Wareham was provided
with, three shirts, two pairs of stockings, a pair of drawers and two pairs of
shoes, he was provided with another pair of drawers in 1682. (Tankard, 2020) Occasionally they appear in wills and
probate inventories. In 1674 John Harris, a coal miner, left his son in law “a
pair of woollen drawers.” The further up the social scale the more pairs of
drawers, George Stearte, a surgeon, has four pair in 1671, (George & George, 2005) and Richard Matthew, a vicar, has five pairs in
1686 (Wyatt, 1997)
Drawers could be purchased ready
made, James Claxton, had thirteen pair in stock for 2s 6d each in 1680, while
five years earlier Thomas Moggs had “fifteen pair of white & blew drawers”
at 1s 4d a pair, and a further three pair in blue. (George &
George, 2005)
Cotgrave, R., 1611. A Dictionarie of the French and
English Tongues. London: Printed by Adam Islip.
Cunnington, C. W. &
Cunnington, P., 1951. The history of underclothes. London: Michael
George, E. &
George, S., 2005. Bristol probate inventories, Part 2: 1657-1689. Bristol:
Bristol Records Society publication 57.
Gray, T., 1996. Devon
Household Accounts 1627-59. Part 2. Exeter: Devon and Cornwall Record
Society, new series, vol. 39.
Morgan, F. C., 1945.
Private Purse Accounts of the Marquis of Hertford, Michaelmas 1641-2. Antiquaries
Journal, Volume 25, pp. 12-42.
Robertson, S., 1889.
The expense Book of James Master 1646-1676 [Part 4, 1663-1676], transcribed by
Mrs Dallison.. Archaeologia Cantiana, pp. 114-168.
Strong, R., 1980.
Charles I's clothes for the years 1633-1635. Costume, Volume 14, pp.
Tankard, D., 2020. Clothing
in 17th century provincial England. London: Bloomsbury.
Wyatt, P., 1997. The
Uffulme wills and inventories 16th to 18th centuries.. Exeter: Devon sand
Cornwall Record Society, vol 40.
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