Patterns of Fashion 5: the content, cut, construction and
context of bodies, stays, hoops and rumps c.1595-1795, by Janet Arnold, Jenny
Tiramani and Luca Costigliolo, et al. London: The School of Historical Dress,
2018. 160p., £35. ISBN 978 0 99317442 1
I have had my copy of this for a few weeks now; it is an
absolutely tremendous resource. It examines forty one surviving items. The first twenty one pages are an introduction
to the subject including such things as the terminology used for the different
parts of the garments, the materials they were constructed from, and the
examination of surviving drawn and printed patterns. There is also information
on staymakers themselves, their customers, and how to put on stays. The last
section of the introduction looks at hoops and rumps.
Pages 30 to 152 form the bulk of the book, looking at the
forty one surviving garments, divided into two sections the bodies and stays,
and the hoops and rumps. Many of the garments have not had patterns taken from
them before, several of them have but in far less detail. For each garment
there are a large number of colour photographs of the original and portraits of
similar items being worn, plus a pattern with detailed notes.
The Elizabethan/16th century garments
There are three Elizabethan period items: the Dorothea
Sabina bodies that appeared in Patterns of Fashion 3, the Elizabeth effigy
bodies that were first examined in Costume, vol.41, 2007, and a Spanish farthingale
of linen stiffened with ropes of bents.
The Stuart/17th century garments
There are thirteen seventeenth century bodies or stays, plus
an ivory stay busk in the book, but there are no hoops from this period. There
are two distinctly Dutch/German stays from the museum in Darmstadt, of the type that can bee
seen in the portrait of Rubens with Isabella Brandt. The other stays are mainly
in English or private collections. The garments include the stays that were
found under floorboards in Sittingbourne.
Georgian/18th century garments
are fourteen eighteenth century stays, ten hoops and one rump. They are from a
wider range of museums including those in Stockholm, Munich, Paris, Toronto,
New York, Boston and Williamsburg, as well as British museums.
the last nine pages
this section is information on taking measurements, on the scales of the
various patterns, and on the drafting of patterns.There are photographs showing
reconstructions of some of the garments. There is a two page multilingual
(English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, and some others) vocabulary of
terms, and finally a page of references.
The book can only be ordered from the publisher, The School of Historical Dress, for more information go to
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