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Hollar - Muffs and other dress accessories |
The term muff does not appear in English until the last quarter of the
16th century, and the OED (2012) gives its probable
origins as from the Middle Dutch, mof and moffel or the Middle French moufle. Cunnington (1970) comments that
earlier these were called snufskin, snowskin and skimskyn, the term snuffskin
is used by Cotgrave (1611) in his definition of
the French word contenance, “one of their snuffskins or muffes, so called in
times past.” Harrison (1577) wrote that muffs,
together with masks, fans and wigs were, “first devised and used in Italy by
Curtezans, and from thence brought into France and there received of the best
sort for gallant ornaments, & from thence came into England about the time
of the Massacar in Paris.” The reference is to the 1572 Bartholomew’s Day
Sixteenth century
Queen Elizabeth I’s skinners appear to have made muffs for her, though
they are in the records as snuffskyns. Adam Bland was paid for muffs, in 1583
for “furring of a snufskyn of heare colour satten embrauderid with three blake
jennet skins”, and in 1585 for “furring of a snufskyn of blake velat furred
with fower grey skinnes and edged with one luzarne skynne.” (Arnold, 1988)
Arnold gives jennet as a type of civet cat and luzarne as lynx, she
quotes from Minsheu (1617) that “Lucerns... the
bigness of a wolfe...mayle like a cat...bred in Muscovie and Russia” and
“Genets...a beast... of the nature of a cat...the blacke the more pretious
furre, having blacke spots upon it hardly to be seen.” There is an excellent
illustration of a muff in the portrait of Eleanor Verney (Mrs William Palmer)
painted around 1585-90, it is lined with some russet coloured fur and the outer
is heavily embroidered with pearls in a design Arnold (1988) believes to be from
Whitney’s A choice of emblems,
published in 1586. Another example of an Elizabethan muff can be seen on the lower
picture in this valance from the
Victoria and Albert Museum.
Seventeenth century
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Hollar - Muff with brocade or embroidery |
Fashionable women used muffs throughout the cold seasons, of the 26
plates of Englishwomen published in Hollar’s 1640 Ornatus Muliebris, no less than seven are carrying muffs, six
of which appear to have exteriors entirely of fur, and in his four seasons of
1644 both spring and winter of the three-quarter length figures have a muff. As
can be seen from the three illustrations which are shown here, Hollar liked
drawing muffs. A wide range of furs were used for them, and James Smith in 1658
extolled the English rabbit over the foreign sable, “Here is an English conny
furr, Rushia hath no such stuffe, Which for to keep your fingers warme, Excells
your sable muffe.”

Arnold, J., 1988. Queen Elizabeth's wardrobe
unlock'd. Leeds: Maney.
Cotgrave, R.,
1611. A Dictionarie of the French and English tongues. London: Islip.
Cunnington, C.
W. a. P., 1970. Handbook of English Costume in the 16th century.. London:
Cunnington, C.
W. a. P., 1972. Handbook of English costume in the Eighteenth century. 2nd
ed. London: Faber.
Cunnington, C.
W. a. P., 1972. Handbook of English costume in the seventeenth century. 3rd ed. London: Faber.
Harrison, W.,
1577. Description of England.
Minsheu, J.,
1617. The guide into the tongues. London: Willian Stansby.
OED, 2012. Oxford
English Dictionary Online,
Ribeiro, A.,
1986. Dress and morality. London: Batsford.
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