Charles I was an eclectic
collector and the ten rooms at the Royal Academy bring together many of the
items of his collection that were sold by order of Parliament after the King’s
execution. Many are back in the Royal Collection, but other have been borrowed
from museums across the world. As an interesting side note the catalogue of the
collection, taken in 1637, still exists
and many of the items have a comment saying where the painting was originally
The exhibition starts with
the fantastic triple portrait of Charles by Van Dyck, which is also the poster
for the exhibition. The painting was for Bernini to sculpt a bust of Charles.
The bust was lost in the great Whitehall fire of 1698, when much of the Palace
burnt down, and though many have berated Cromwell for selling off the
collection, one wonders how much more would have been lost if they had still
been in Whitehall.
The start of Charles’s
collecting career was when, having gone to Madrid in 1623 for marriage
negociations, he came back with paintings by Titian, Veronese and others. He also purchased six of the Raphel cartoons for the Sistine Chapel tapestries, for £300, and the Mortlake tapestry
workshop founded by James I in 1619 copied these, one room is dedicated to
Mortlake Tapesteries. In 1627-32 Charles purchased the Gonzaga collection from Mantua, including Mantegna’s
Triumphs of Caesar, which have a whole room to themselves
at the exhibition.
Other rooms in the exhibition include two of Italian
Renaissance paintings, one of Northern Renaissance, and a room containing works that had originally been in the Queen's Hose at Greenwich. There are also vast amounts of Rubens
and Van Dyck, including Van Dyck’s “Greate
Peece” of 1632, and his painting of the two sons of the assainated Duke of Buckingham (shown left).
An excellent exhibition.
Charles II: Art & Power – at The Queen's Gallery, Buckingham Palace, Friday,
8 Dec 2017 to Sunday, 13 May 2018. Adult £11.00. Book: Charles II: Art & Power 464
pages with over 400 colour illustrations. Hardback only £29.95
Detail from the Embarkation at Scheveningen |
The Charles II exhibition
starts with less of a bang than his father’s. The first room contains many
prints, rather than paintings, including The Act abolishing the King, and for even
handedness Eikon Basilike, it also has the last portrait made of Charles I in
his lifetime. However when you get into the room with John Michel Wright’s portrait of Charles II, Charles II dominates. The art, generally speaking is
not as good as in the Charles I exhibition, though it does have the wonderful Leonardo da Vinci drawing and many of Holbein’s
drawings. Much of the portraiture of Charles court is by Lely, Kneller, Wright
and Cooper. There are many depictions what is happening for example, Charles
setting off for England in The Embarkation of Charles
II at Scheveningen, and the Anglo-Dutch Wars of the 1660s in Holme’s Bonfire, and a couple of unusual
portraits, The
Chinese Convert by Kneller and Bridget
Holmes aged 96 by Riley.
Much of what is on display is on the Royal
Collection’s excellent website for the exhibition. Also you can take photographs at the Charles II exhibition, you can’t
at Charles I.