Next year WECS is 40 so in celebration the society has
decided to do a second round of something it did for its 25th. Enter
Patterns of Fashion II. The morning meeting was to get together volunteers and
divide into 4 (or 5) groups. Each group is going to recreate a garment from
Janet Arnold’s Patterns of Fashion. The four garments chosen are:
c.1931-2 Fuschia pink silk
chiffon in the Museum of Fashion Bath.
c.1798-1805 Morning dress in
white cotton with a small purple pattern in Salisbury Museum
(to go with this they are
planning to do a c1800 military uniform)
c 1708-9 sap green brocaded
silk mantua in Shrewsbury
In the afternoon we had a talk by Chris Seals of
Farthingales, seen above in his hussar outfit. He makes Napoleonic period military costume, examples of which can also be seen here.