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Detail from a portrait of Queen Charlotte, by studio of Allan Ramsey, taken from Wikimedia Commons |
The stomachers that survive are in many ways mid range. The highly bejewelled ones tend not survive because they have been broken up for the value of the jewels. The “rich diamond stomacher for our intended queen” described by the British Magazine in 1761, is not the one that appears below in this detail from a portrait of Queen Charlotte it shows instead a stomacher that is more likely to be gold or silver lace rather than jewels. A stomacher of this type from the 1740s survives in the V&A collection,( note that the online image is upside down). There is a similar metallic lace decorated stomacher of the early 18th century in the Los Angeles Museum of Art.
More commonly the stomachers that survive are heavily embroidered. A late 16th century survival is an unmade half embroidered stomacher in the V&A collection. Another example from a hundred years later 1700-1720 is very narrow.. In this unusual example the embroidery is worked in straw. Sometime the stomachers are not embroidered but made of patterned fabric as in this 1700-1730 example from Platt Hall
Many of the embroidered stomachers have a meandered ground behind the embroidery, as in this example from 1700-1730 in the Platt Hall collection, and this c.1710 example in the Metropolitan Museum, and this mid 18th century example in the Embroiderers Guild collection. These meandering background patterns are similar to the type frequently used in 18th-century flat quilting, and a stomacher in the V&A from1730-1750 is entirely quilted with some cording.
Some stomachers have fake lacing as in this 1720s example and this 1740s example. It has been conjectured that this may have been to provide somewhere to tuck your neckerchief.
A possible
stomacher from the mid 17th seventeenth century of completely plain
linen is in the Platt
Hall collection, but there is very little information to confirm its use.
The stomacher could be held in place by the lacing, or by
being pinned or even sew into place, and one of Queen Elizabeth’s mentions
hooks and eyes. In the18th century some garments had fake stomacher
fronts like the pet-en-l’air of 1745-55
for which Arnold gives a pattern (Arnold, 1977) or the similar
garment in the Platt
Hall collection.
Arnold, Janet. 1977. Patterns of Fashion 1: 1660-1860. London : Macmillan, 1977.
—. 1988. Queen Elizabeth's wardrobe unlock'd. Leeds :
Maney, 1988.
Hart, Avril and
North, Susan. 1998. Historical
fashion in detail: the 17th and 18th centuries. London : Victoria and
Albert Museum, 1998.
Holme, Randle. 1688. The academie of armourie. Chester : s.n.,
Lyly, John. 1580. Euphues . 1580.
Minsheu, John. 1617. The guide into tongues. 1617.